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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Free Business Cards2

Getting the Benefits of Referrals

A referral is simply another party recommending your product or services. They can come from many parties. Those in ancillary businesses are a great source of referrals. For example, a poet would find someone in the business of printing greeting cards a great source of referrals. There are some simple steps a business owner can take to increase the amount of referral business coming into their shop.

Having a Goal Serves a Critical Role

In order for any program to be effective it must have goals and objective measurements. Simply saying that you'll try for more referrals is not a goal. You should set targets for the number of referrals and corresponding sales going out over the next year. Then work towards hitting goals. Incorporate referral goals into your employee compensation plans. This will encourage all staff to remember to ask for that referral.

Don't Forget That Current Customers Are a Good Bet

Referrals coming from existing customers are an essential source. If you provide a high level of customer service, then odds are high your customers will tell their friends. This is especially so if you indicate your desire that they do so. A simple comment saying to tell your friends can go a long way to meeting your referral goals. This should be instilled in all employees having contact with your customers at point of purchase.

Give Referrals a Lift by Sending a Gift

A small token of appreciation sent to a referring party can go a long way. This can be a gift card or even a free sample of one of your products. For example, a printer could provide some free brochure printing services for a customer who sends a large order their way. The recognition will show you appreciate the referral and most likely encourage the party to make another.

Don't Ask Yet To Those Who Are Upset

Obviously, an upset customer is not a good candidate for a referral. However, they do present an excellent opportunity for a glowing referral if you effectively fix the issue which is upsetting them. A formerly disgruntled customer who has been won over can prove to be your greatest ally. However, wait until the right time to ask for their good word.

Most sales avenues cost money. Catalog and brochure printing aren't free. However, referrals entail no associated expense. Vendors or your customers essentially act as an unpaid sale representative for your business. Provide high levels of customer service. This translates to happy customers. Happy customers then gladly make referrals to your business. Learn to leverage this phenomenon.

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