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Sunday, July 6, 2008

16 pt Business Cards

Marketing is an essential part of building your business to a higher level, and one of the most effective ways to do that is by using business brochures. That doesn’t mean one should limit their advertising campaign to an investment in brochure printing, but it certainly an effective means of communication. On the other hand, do not let brochures or even postcard marketing replace personal contact especially if you are attempting to make contact for the first time.

There are many other things a business can do above and beyond the distribution of business brochures in order to increase sales. In fact you can save money by choosing to advertise online instead of paying for brochure printing and postcard marketing. If you have a website you can use that to market your business by including the URL in your emails, correspondence, on your invoices, and on your business cards. Letting people know of your online visibility is one of the easiest ways to bring in customers, and if your website is highly visible it won’t take much for you to increase sales.

Offering your customers a variety of payment options is another way you can increase sales. Instead of just offering terms of Net 30 or Net 10, customize your payment plans to accommodate a wider variety of customers including those who choose to pay with a credit card. The more payment options you offer your customers the more new customers you will attract. Adding additional payment options may also increase the amount of business you conduct with your existing customers.

In your marketing and advertising campaigns it’s important to make sure you provide enough product information to attract new customers. You have to remember that most of the customers you contact will already be buying the products you have to sell from someone else. What you need to do is provide them with enough information in your brochures and other informational packets that shows them why they should buy that product from you instead of staying with the vendor they currently use. That issue may be price, payment options, availability, turn around time, or even quality of the customer service.

Do not limit your marketing tactics to any one style. There are plenty of options for online and offline marketing, and you should use as many of them as possible to get your products before the public. Certainly you want to choose those that work best but do not discount anything until you have tried it. If you have an advertising budget, make the most of the funds by looking for low-cost methods to do the exact same thing. The more money you can save on advertising the more profit you will show.

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Color Business Cards

In actuality, business cards can be a lot more diverse than you might think. A lot of people don’t realize how many different ways business cards can be utilized to market their brand because they're stuck with the conception of what a standard business card is.

Have you ever gotten a punch card for someplace where they punch off a number each time you shop there until you get something for free? This is an example of a unique business card. I didn’t realize these could be considered business cards at first because I just wasn’t connecting the dots.

The great thing about the punch card system is that you can hand it to a person, they can easily carry it in their pocket, and it encourages them to continue shopping at your store. It is also an example of effective business card marketing. After all, that punch card has the companies name prominently displayed on it as a constant reminder to the person to come in and shop. They’re carrying around that company name in their wallet everyday.

While this is one unique use of business cards it certainly isn’t the only. You can use a business card as a small coupon or other kind of discount card. The greatest strength of the business card is that most wallets are designed to easily carry them. Unlike coupons you have to clip out of newspapers, or flyers which have to be folded up, a business card can conveniently be slipped into a pocket the second you hand it to a person.

This is why having business cards double as discounts or coupons is a great way of ensuring the person will keep it with them.

Different kinds of businesses are going to be able to find different uses for them. Why not have stacks of business cards printed out with a greetings message on it you can place on your desk for whenever someone comes to see you? Or maybe have a thank you card with your company name and contact information on it?

For those with a lot of different services, print off business cards that list all of the services you have. Handing them a list like this increases the odds of getting a sale because they know everything you can do.

It isn’t hard to carry around a stack of business cards with you at all times, and business card printing isn’t very expensive. Get unique, think of different ways you can utilize your business cards to draw in more prospects. You can have more than just a name on your cards. Make sure that whatever you hand a person, it’s distinctive enough that they’ll be glad to keep it with them.

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Unique Business Cards

Positioning can be a potent marketing tool. Positioning is a consumer’s opinion of your product or service compared to your competition’s product or service. And you have the power to influence the consumer’s opinion of your product and your competitors’ product. By marketing to a target audience with an effective message, you can make their opinions about your product favorable and their opinions about your competitors’ product unfavorable.

Use the following tips to evaluate your marketing materials – everything from your brochures to your custom business cards – to see if you can improve your positioning technique.

1. Be specific in your message. This means you need to pick out a few of your product’s top benefits and use those over and over again to tout your product.

To be as specific as possible, you need to know who your target market is. If you own a business card printing company, then your target will be professionals who need business cards. But you can narrow that down even more: Do you cater to professionals in certain industries? Do you offer online business card printing services for those across the country?

If you think you can reach more consumers and clients by keeping your message broad, you’ll actually get no one’s attention. If your marketing materials are too broad, no one will say “Hey this company is talking to me” so no one will pay attention.

You also need to be specific about how your product will benefit the consumer. If you don’t tell them, they’ll move on to another company, which will tell them and not make them infer their marketing message. You can have a different set of specific benefits for each target market – you’ll just need a new set of marketing materials for each target market. But think how effective your custom business cards will be when your prospect sees your list of benefits on the back that solves his specific problem!

2. Use clear language in your marketing materials. Prospects won’t take the time or energy to decipher your jargon-filled copy to learn how your product can help them. Although industry lingo and acronyms may seem impressive, really they just alienate or confuse most people. Unless you are marketing to a very specific audience, such as doctors, don’t use jargon.

3. Don’t only rely on positioning. If your product isn’t very good, it doesn’t matter what kind of positioning techniques you use, once people actually try your product, your positioning won’t be as good as your competitors that have better products. This means don’t over promise and under deliver. Let’s go back to the business card printing company. If your company can’t deliver business cards as quickly as an online business card printing company, and you say it does and fail to deliver that promise, you’re going to lose customers – current and potential customers. Current customers will tell potential customers not to do business with you and then you’ll lose sales before you even had a fighting chance with those prospects. Don’t take this risk!

If you find that as you’re writing your marketing materials you have to exaggerate your benefits, ask yourself if your product is the best it can be. Take the time to revise your product because no amount of positioning will make it better. If anything your situation will be worse once people find out you didn’t deliver on your promise.

When done correctly, product positioning can increase sales and can increase your satisfied customer base. Just be sure that you clearly state your benefits and that you can deliver what you promise.

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Create Free Business Cards

Giving business cards is an art, not only because they are needed to be considered successful or because, in fact, they represent your corporate or professional identity, but also as an opportunity to impact your existing or prospective customers, and stay in touch with them, helping you to deal confidently.

The scope of business etiquette includes considerations that many professional ignore, or simply do not pay enough attention in the belief that a business card is just a small paper rectangle with a name and phone numbers to introduce yourself.

Color business cards demonstrate that there is something else beyond a simple paper cut; otherwise, they simply would not exist. Certainly, all over the world business cards are used to provide information about a company and/or the employee or professional who holds it, as well as contact information and other details such as business acquaintances or personal details.

Some of them include expressly empty spaces to write certain details such as an appointment date, some others are as simple as blank cards that come in handy when the holder has to leave a customer further details. However, those in color are undoubtedly part of a practical business strategy following refined business etiquette.

In business, time is gold and every minute is important because more often an individual only has a few minutes to impress a prospective client, before someone else does it first. Gentle manners can conquer, but accompanied with poor business cards, it is more likely the client will forget about you as soon as you live. Unprofessional business cards will not impress but will leave your prospective client with negative thoughts about your company.

On the other hand, color business cards are as attractive that catch the eye of even the most skeptical business contact. There is nothing more accurate that "a picture is worth a thousand words" when it comes to describing the first impression left on a person who receives a business card especially crafted to achieve a predefined business goal.

Color business cards and regular business cards should meet the criteria of being printed in very high quality paper, designed by professionals and never using public domain graphics or other elements that makes them look cheap. Make sure to include all personal information to your business acquaintances, and always carry enough of them with you, particularly when you are planning to attend a business meeting or social event.

The art of business cards is not only in giving them away, but also exchanging and receiving. Every time you attend an event where other professionals participate, try to exchange business cards with them, particularly color business cards to better impress, and when you receive a business card, study its design and content because you can learn from them.

Finally, always keep in mind that business cards are the branding tool of your company, not just a piece of paper to stay in touch with someone else.

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Century 21 Business Cards

This idea I came across made me laugh when I first saw it, but the more I thought about it, it totally made sense!

Before I share what I've found (you'll like it), I justed wanted to let you know about the most powerful 'basic' tactic I have learn't to maximise business cards. Make sure you view your card as a mini billboard! To many business owners put their name at the top of the card...who cares about your name! The reader wants to know what's in it for them...why should they be interested in any other wording on your business card? Give them a reason ... NOT "J.Smith" or "John's Plumbing"... Put something like "Plumbing - We arrive to quote on time, or we'll pay you $50".
Now that shows confidence and certainly...which is exactly what the everyday consumer loves! This made a BIG difference in my business, because I found that people where happy to pass my card around because they felt 'confident' in recommending me...I put my money where my mouth is, and it works a treat! Anyways, back to my little discovery...

Imagine having your own silent salesman that was handing out your business cards for you 24/7 to your target audience! I didn't think this would be possible, but I found a way that I would like to share with you.

It's been reported that business cards are very �under-utilized' buy most business owners in general. If you have a few hundred business cards lying around the house and office doing nothing�so why not use them!

We recently read about how you can �do something' with these business cards. An innovative company that we discovered has taken business card advertising to a whole new level. It's quite clever, and almost every business owner would be interested in this.

I've often thought about having a teenager that's really pretty, walk around in high traffic areas handing out my business cards and giving a quick �sales pitch' then moving on. Most University students would do this for a few extra dollars. I continued my research and discovered business card dispenser vending machines. Yep, that's right! Who the hell thought of this!

You can now have your business cards handed out through a vending machines. This is a clever idea, because your business card is getting handed out...right into the peoples purses, wallets and pockets of people who will need your service. I use this service and it's great.

So this is another clever marketing idea that you should all know about. I've put the website that I found down below for you to see what I mean�maybe you'll see them around one day. Just check into the pricing in your local area...and certianly factor it into your next marketing budget.

I hope this helps to expand your mind to new ways to do something with all those old business card hanging around, it certainly did for me. They call them business card displays, and also business card dispensers.

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Business Cards Printing

Without a plan to distribute your cards, there's no need to print them in the first place.

Don't fall into the trap of believing all the thinking about business cards is over once the order is placed. Wrong! The average person has more than half of their business cards still in the box at any given time. Make a plan to empty your box of cards in 3 months or less; after all, those little cards are your most powerful marketing tool.

Always carry your cards with you. You never know when you may have an opportunity to start a business relationship. Always have one handy. "Let's see, I've got one here somewhere, no, that's a card I got yesterday, no, that's my kid's picture, here it is, no, that's not it either.."

Don't carry worn and wrinkled cards. Keep them fresh and flat. If they look less than perfect, pitch 'em. You should be able to quickly draw your card faster than an old west gunfighter on TV. If somebody gives you their business card, you should give them yours in return, face up.

Think of your card as a miniature billboard working for you. Leave it everywhere. More ad exposure leads to more business. If you designed your card well, your home address is not on it so you can leave it anywhere without fear a burglar will come visiting.

Many stores, banks and restaurants have bulletin boards. Keep a few push pins in your car. Always drop your card in the fishbowls offering a prize. Enclose a card with every check you send to pay bills.

Leave one on the table with your tip (as long as the tip is not embarrassing). Give one to friends. "Do you have my new card?" Keep a supply in a cardholder on your desk or at the front counter.

Ask your spouse to always carry your cards, ready to deliver should they meet someone who might be interested in your product or service. Keep spare cards everywhere so you never have to grope for one, or worse yet, not find one and end up scribbling your name on the back of someone else's card.

If anything on your card changes, bite the bullet, eat the expense, pitch 'em and print new ones.

Your business card is more than a reference tool, it can be your biggest marketing advantage for people to remember you and forget your competition.

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Business Cards Online

Every day we meet new people. It doesn't matter how it happens or why it does, but it is essential to notice that we are constantly connecting with fresh faces. These new countenances could be our future employer, a potential best friend, or simply another person to pass on our services to. With hundreds of meetings each month, it is no surprise that the public is now taking advantage of these meet and greets.

Business networking is a great way to make connections with others. Although we meet new people on a daily basis, we don't always keep the relationship going. We all want to be known in our specialized field. Therefore, having an array of business cards would create more opportunities and a plethora of open doors.

If you are running a small or large business, then it is necessary to have a great business card. One must always remember that this is an affordable way to advertise your services. It doesn't have to be extravagant. However, it does need to include vital information such as a phone number, e-mail address and website address if you have one. Many people also prefer to spice it up with a bit of color. After all, color business cards will most certainly stand out in a pile of black and white cards.

It is very important to remember that business cards are piece of paper that is marketing your services. It should reflect your company's image and of course portray the type of feeling you want. For instance, if you are an artist, it would be wise to create a professional yet artsy business card. Perhaps color business cards with a logo of your art work would show others that you are ready to work for them.

By handing them out to anyone you meet, you are setting up a new contact. Even if you do not see them again, they will still have your business card. Therefore, you'll never know when they will need your expertise. They may even contact you when a job opening is available or when another client of theirs is in desperate need of great service in your field.

It is extremely simple to create them yourself. Most drug stores carry business card paper which is usually only a few dollars. Many stores even have patterns and color business cards in a variety of hues. This will allow you to be creative and make your piece of paper stand out! If you are computer literate, it is easy to design everything on the computer and then print it out with the paper you bought. There are special printing options for business cards, so it is crucial to change the preferences beforehand. On the other hand, if you are too busy or computer illiterate, perhaps you should hire a professional to create your business cards. There are many businesses including Kinko's, who will design a wonderful color business card for an affordable price.

Although business cards sound like a hassle for some, they are actually one of the most affordable marketing tools for your company. Most businesses get ahead easily if they are constantly offering people their business cards. It is not only a great way to make connections, but it also lets you know that you have done everything in your power to get clients.

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Business Credit Cards

Business cards design and print is an important aspect for every organization. It needs diverse set of experience to design the perfect set of cards fo different executives of organization. One needs to understand the need, importance, and prospects of usage of a particular business card for people holding different positions.

Business Cards Designing Aspects

Business cards designing it are not an easy task; the corporate identity determination factor for different organization is always different. Designing professionals cannot use same design for every organization. There are two main reasons behind that, first is different color schemes and logo acceptance of organization, and second is the specific need, both varies for every companies. One thing also need to be mentioned that is requirement of different designs for different executives in same organizations. The purpose of business cards as well as the usage of business cards varies for different people in same organization, because of different roles they play in functioning of organization. Therefore all these things should be given proper importance at the time of card designing.

Colors and choices of individuals also vary, everyone does not like same black and white combination or two color cards. Some people prefer multi color or fancy business cards, its also an issue for business card designers.

Business Card Printing

Quality of printing is always important for business cards. Because it is not only a means of representing an organization, but also a carrier of your organization's services and values. So the printing quality of cards is of utmost importance. The need for ultimate quality of printing business cards let several development in color printing and coating of business cards. These days UV coating is in demand. UV coatings in business cards enhance and give greater color depth to the business cards if compared to normal business cards. UV coated business cards are also abrasion free and chemical resistant and protect inked surfaces against wear and tear caused by lack of proper handling, display and use. Even the environmentally conscious people prefer having UV coated business cards because UV coated cards are recyclable, re palpable and biodegradable.

So the design and printing of business cards is important for a business entity, and it need proper planning, design concepts with better ideas as well as experience of business card design. Similarly color combination and selection during design and printing is also important.

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