Investing in business cards is a necessary action for any small business. You should always have plenty of business cards on hand to hand out to anyone you meet who could be a prospective customer or associate. Still, the way that your business card is designed is just as important as how many you print. Here are some tips for making powerful business cards.
Make Your Company Stand Out
By this, I mean make your company name easily visible on the front of the card. Usually, people make their personal name and contact info the most prominent items, but that is not always a good idea. Try making your company name stand out more, and see what happens. Or, you can include a slogan or something that pulls the customer in, rather than using any name at all.
Use the Space Wisely
Although you certainly need to include contact information on your business cards, be careful not to overdo it. Usually, your number and email address will suffice. Including all of your numbers and your home address and your fax number will take up a lot of valuable space that could be better used in other ways. Keep your contact info to the bare minimum, and use the rest of the card for more important things. The extra space can be filled with information about your company that makes it stand out from its competitors.
Throw in Some Color
When you turn in your business card printing project to get produced, ask for your printer's full color rates. Adding color to your business cards is a tremendous way to add some power to them. And, you may be pleasantly surprised at how affordable it can be to print full color business cards.
Double Your Return
Most business cards have nothing on the back of them. There is no reason why you shouldn't use the back of your business cards to include more advertising information. Or, if you absolutely must include more contact info, use the back of the card. You can even add a special offer to this often forgotten space, or some background information about your company. The possibilities are endless!
Take the Time to do it Right
Do not rush when you are designing your business cards. In many cases, your business card will be the only way that a prospective customer will know about your company. Take the time to design your card effectively and strategically. These little cards can do wonders for your bottom line if they are designed properly and used correctly. Think of it this way: every minute spent designing your business cards could be an extra dollar in your bank account.
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Make Your Company Stand Out
By this, I mean make your company name easily visible on the front of the card. Usually, people make their personal name and contact info the most prominent items, but that is not always a good idea. Try making your company name stand out more, and see what happens. Or, you can include a slogan or something that pulls the customer in, rather than using any name at all.
Use the Space Wisely
Although you certainly need to include contact information on your business cards, be careful not to overdo it. Usually, your number and email address will suffice. Including all of your numbers and your home address and your fax number will take up a lot of valuable space that could be better used in other ways. Keep your contact info to the bare minimum, and use the rest of the card for more important things. The extra space can be filled with information about your company that makes it stand out from its competitors.
Throw in Some Color
When you turn in your business card printing project to get produced, ask for your printer's full color rates. Adding color to your business cards is a tremendous way to add some power to them. And, you may be pleasantly surprised at how affordable it can be to print full color business cards.
Double Your Return
Most business cards have nothing on the back of them. There is no reason why you shouldn't use the back of your business cards to include more advertising information. Or, if you absolutely must include more contact info, use the back of the card. You can even add a special offer to this often forgotten space, or some background information about your company. The possibilities are endless!
Take the Time to do it Right
Do not rush when you are designing your business cards. In many cases, your business card will be the only way that a prospective customer will know about your company. Take the time to design your card effectively and strategically. These little cards can do wonders for your bottom line if they are designed properly and used correctly. Think of it this way: every minute spent designing your business cards could be an extra dollar in your bank account.